Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Scholar Practitioners Who Impact Future Change

Scholar Practitioner to Lead Evaluation Initiatives

One of the top role that I have as a scholar practitioner is to educate my stakeholders on the importance, the use and the benefits of doing program evaluations. Helping everyone understand the purpose is a very important step to having them participate. “Teachers impact children’s experiences directly by their daily actions in the classroom, but center directors impact children’s development and learning by structuring the conditions that support teacher effectiveness” (Bloom & Able, 2015). Not only for teachers, but for all stakeholders, they are more willing to participate if they feel that they are supported and involved. Just simply letting them know how program evaluation affects us is different than actually showing it to them. Walking them through the process, showing how different aspects work and providing a data story or visuals can always help. 

Barrier To Avoid

It can sometimes be hard to understand others' situations or the circumstances they are caught in. . A barrier to avoid is being biased or prejudiced about others who do not want to be involved. We all have our point of view and prioritize. Kallemeyn, and Phillips, found that administrators who have a more flexible definition of parent involvement tend to have more positive views of parents and perceive higher levels of involvement (Bloom & Able, 2015). It is important to know that not everyone is free and is willing to be involved. What is important is to know how we can integrate other’s schedules to our evaluation process, which is accommodation. 

To Minimize this Barrier

As a leader it is always important to keep an open mind about everything and everyone. “Inspirational leaders demonstrate that they care about others, first, for who they are and, second, for what they can do. In other works, exemplary leaders regard others first as “human beings,” rather than as “human doings” (Baker, 2014). It is important to consider that not everyone will be okay with the way we provide our evaluation process for some many reasons. It is important to understand how to accommodate other, similar to understanding their different diversities, cultures and even language. 


Baker, E. L. (2014). Leadership and Management—Guiding Principles, Best Practices, and Core Attributes. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 20(3), 356–357.

Bloom, P.J., & Able, M.B. (2015). Expanding the lens—Leadership as an organizational asset. Young Children, 70(2)

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Evaluating and Supporting Early Childhood Programs

                                                            Scholar Practitioners as Program Evaluators

The main goal of program evaluations is to improve and help programs succeed. For the content of this course, EDDD 8084, it will help me understand why program evaluations are important, the implementation of program evaluation and effective practice of program evaluation. The Head Start/Early Head Start Director, Michelle Zapata, mentioned that data collected from evaluation is used to create plans, set goals and objectives, and enforce policies and procedures to serve the families and children (Administration for Children and Families, 2018). This helps me create an understanding of the importance of program evaluation and how I can help families understand how they can help us improve services through program evaluation. My question and or concern is for effective practice of program evaluation. How can I help families understand and honestly complete program evaluation? How does relationship with families affect the program evaluation results? And with my busy schedule how can I effectively and efficiently implement program evaluation?

Programs depend on evaluation to improve quality (Laureate Education, 2016a). Gaining knowledge regarding implementing program evaluation can impact the quality of the service I provide. “Some of the outcomes include more parent involvement; parents better understand the quality of the services that their child is receiving in care” (Laureate Education, 2016a). The lack of parents understanding the quality of service does not help with the improvement in quality. Through this course I hope to gain more understanding regarding program evaluation and how I can get parents to be more involved and to understand the importance of program quality. I am looking forward to a very resourceful course and to improve the program evaluation at my current work to help our program improve through reliable and honest results of program evaluation. 


Administration for Children and Families. (2018). Voices from the field: Plan to succeed - developing and sustaining. Retrieved from

Laureate Education (Producer). (2016a). NAYEC accreditation [Audio file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Together We Can Make a Difference

                                                        Fostering Classroom Communities

Early childhood education has been proven through so much research that it is important for young children to be successful in grade school and in life. The success of a child is not only dependent on the school, but also dependent on parents and home environment. The following dissertation summary is about the influence of parent and teacher involvement in a child's learning outcome. 


Dissertation Title: Teacher and Parental Influence on Child’s Learning Outcome

Collaboration is an aspect of communication that builds trust and understanding regarding the common goal that helps bring success to the group’s purpose. Parent involvement is known to provide a solid foundation for the child’s future success. Teacher’s qualification and enthusiasm creates a motivated and determined foundation for the child’s future success. The problem is the lack of qualified and determined teachers, and the lack of parent involvement contributes to the inadequate learning outcome for the child. There is no support, collaboration, communication and trust amongst parents and teachers creates imbalance in learning outcomes. The purpose of this dissertation was to understand the relationship between teacher and parents, and how it can influence the child’s learning outcome, and to understand the connectivity of home and school environments and its influence on children's achievements. Then to identify the barriers that make a positive parent and teacher relationship a challenge. 

This qualitative research had 12 participants of three different early childhood programs with two teachers and two parents from each program. All the participants were women due to their willingness to participate in the research. The researcher conducted interviews for both parents and teachers, individually, and also provided a survey for teachers. The researcher also used case study to compare the findings. The researcher concluded that parent involvement and teacher’s professionalism does have an effect in the child’s learning outcome. Parents who are involved in their child’s education increases the child’s performance and achievements. Teacher who is professionally trained understands the importance of parent involvement and knows how to build a positive relationship with parents and encourage them to participate. 

Relevant Resources

There are three resources used by the author that is relevant and reliable for the study. One of the resources was the National Association of Education for Young Children also known as NAEYC. The NAEYC is a non-profit organization that focuses and promotes high quality learning for young children through practice and policies, and they use well credible research to back up their resources. Another resource is Early Childhood Education Today 9th edition textbook written by Morrison, G (2004). The book provides research-based information regarding high quality early childhood education and authentic teaching practices. Last resource is the Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education articles, which the others used about seven articles from this journal. This journal provides research that supports teacher professionalism. This helps teachers understand different issues and trends regarding teaching in early childhood education programs.  

Dissertation Fostering My Career

Part of fostering supportive learning environments through positive classroom cultures and classroom communities is engagement. This dissertation provides information regarding the importance of parent involvement and teacher’s professionalism that support child learning outcomes. The engagement of both parents and teachers helps foster a supportive learning environment through positive classroom and home.


Benjamin, M. D. (2015). Teacher and Parental Influence on Childhood Learning Outcomes. Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 1673.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Time Well Spent

Below are all that I have learn throughout this program:

  • Children are known to have a brain similar to a sponge that soaks up all the information they can retain. The information is then squeezed out when the right context occurs. Emotions and reactions are part of the information that children retain and develop. Emotions are strengthened during toddlerhood, when children improve in memory and mobility (Berger, 2016). As children reach the second year of their life, they have gained so much knowledge regarding their surrounding and developed rapidly. During this age a toddler grows self-awareness, where he or she realize that they are their own selves, which is different or separated from others. This forms the stage of “me” and that’s “mine” (Berger, 2016). “Children will discover new ideas when given the chance”, Piaget’s believe regarding early childhood education. On the other hand, Vygotsky believed that “children learn from other children, without adult guidance” (Berger, 2016). Urie Bronfenbrenner believed that “The family seems to be the most effective and economical system for fostering and sustaining the child’s development. Without family involvement, intervention is likely to be unsuccessful, and what few effects are achieved are likely to disappear once the intervention is discontinued” (McEntire, 2008).

  • Every person represents diversity, and diversity begins with an individual person. Social identities are known as the different roles we play in our lives, which makes up who you are as a person. “Many forms of social identity exist, reflecting the many ways in which people connect to other groups and social categories” (Deaux, 2001). We relate to each other through our many forms of social identity. We all bring our own individual social identity into our family social environment. Our social identities (diversities) change and as we learn to adapt to new environments. Each family is unique and different than any other families. They are diverse within themselves, due to the different social identities in their family. The different diversities are known as different family cultures, which are different way of life each family practice (Harris, 2008).  As a child learn more about their culture, they will feel a sense of belonging in which they will learn to accept and coexist with children of different cultures (Smidt, 2006). “Developing a cultural identity is a fundamental and complex task for all young children and one that takes place initially within the family and then broadens out into wider community and society” (Smidt, 2006, pp 106). When people start to disregard other’s differences, and start to disagree, disapprove, and dislike people of different diversity, conflicts and inequalities will emerge. When conflicts and inequalities emerge, problems are created, which could have been prevented. We create our own mindset and view of people, which are certainly not true (Gorski, 2007). We create issues for ourselves and others, which are not necessary. When we start to recognize diversity, equality and social justice will become an idea of opportunity. When we start to see and accept that people are different in their own way, we provide equal opportunity and social justice for them to be who they are. “In educational settings, love connotes that all humans deserve the right to dignity, freedom, and equal opportunities. On the other hand, hate in educational settings is defined as a lack of compassion and lack of respect for the rights of others” (Boutte, 2008). When we show more love than hatred we give a change for people to be themselves and practice what they believe. Afterall, we weren’t born to hate, we were taught to behave and act in such way.

  • Through this program I have deepen my knowledge and understanding of early childhood education, and it has helped me eliminate some biases that I had against most of the “isms”. I have come to understand the importance of caring and getting to know other people for who they are and where they came from. Through this program, I have gained knowledge and skills regarding communication, which has prospered and advanced me in making effective and ethical decisions in communication skills. In order to build an effective and efficient relationship and partnership with people we communicate with every day is to create a respectful and inviting environment that includes trust, having accuracy and being open minded, and understanding others point of view without judgement. Communication can be a challenge, but when engaged, if a person joins with his or her own sets of views, without the willingness to learn, he or she is not going anywhere. Communication is all about being open and understanding. In early childhood education, effective and efficient communication is needed as a skill to build positive relationship with families.

Long term goal: My long term goal is to continue working with young children helping them learn and grow, and advocate for them. In any area of work I go in within early childhood education, I want to remain as usual working with children and their families to help and support them.

Image result for early childhood education quotes Image result for early childhood education quotes

Special thank you to all my colleagues and Dr. Dartt for this wonderful course. I learned so much and I have gained so much as an individual who is passionate in working in early childhood education. Thank you to all my colleagues for sharing their ideas and perspectives, which helped me open up my mind. To Dr. Dartt for all the comments and question that got me thinking and expanding my thoughts, thinking outside of the box. I greatly appreciate everyone, and wish you luck on your future journey. Congratulations to all graduates!

Image result for aloha

Friday, August 10, 2018

Community of Practice: Internationally

Save the Children
A program that helps children with their growth and development not only academically, but also physically, emotionally, mentally and cognition. This program provides advocacy, education, well-being and emergency help and support. What struck me the most is how much they involve and educate the parents about the well-being of their child and the importance and fragility of childhood.

Employment Opportunity:
Head Start Teacher I
"The Head Start Teacher is responsible for the general and day-to-day operations of a Head Start center with more than one classroom assuring regulatory and legal compliance with federal, state and local regulations, communicating with parents and the community and monitoring of staff" (Save the Children, n.d.). 

International Step By Step Association
The passion of providing, promoting and inspiring for quality and equality in early childhood education is what I like about this organization. They provide services that help and support early childhood education and ensure children, especially the most vulnerable ones, receive the best and equal opportunity to grow and develop as an individual.

Employment Opportunity:
There are no employment opportunity listed on the website. If I were to choose to work with ISSA, I would want to be a teacher or an advocate for children in early childhood education that ISSA is part of. 

United Nation Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
UNESCO works to uses culture difference as a means of education to increase knowledge of different culture, and promotes and encourage scientific research. UNESCO works to promote mutual understanding amongst people of different culture.  

Employment Opportunity:
The employment opportunity that UNESCO lists are mainly secretarial and directors, which are not of my interest. I would choose to work in education field for UNESCO educating people, especially children about different world cultures and how we can benefit from learning and accepting different cultures. 

Save the Children. (2011). Retrieved from

International Step By Step Association. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from

 United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2011). Retrieved from

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Community of Practice: National/Federal

Communities of Practice

National Education Association
"The nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education" (NEA,n.d.).

Employment Opportunity:

Organizational Specialist:
"providing organizing advice and assistance to assigned local and state affiliates on a variety of areas, such as developing and executing strategic organizing plans, organization development, strategic planning, capacity building, team building, and education reform"(NEA, n.d.).  This position help support NEA's goals and research. 

Center of Responsive School

A non-profit organization that develops and delivers responsive classroom professional services and products to educators worldwide.

Employment Opportunity:

Education Consultant and Coach

This position is to support teachers and school leaders in implementing the literacy block effectively through the adoption of highly leverage pedagogical practices as well as appropriate common core-aligned texts, common curricula and assessment strategies and also support teacher leaders and teachers in deepening their content and pedagogical knowledge related to early literacy instruction at professional learning/training sessions and team meetings (CRS, n.d.)

Open Doors for Multicultural Families

An organization that provides services, information, and programs to diverse families. Services such as education services, social services and other services for children and their families. They also offer training and workshop for families (Open Doors for Multicultural Families, 2017).

Employment Opportunity:

Leadership Consultant

This position is to lead educators to implement anti-bias curriculum, provide effective leadership coaching, and provide effective instructional practice in the classroom (Open Doors for Multicultural Families,2017).


CRS. (n.d.). Work For CRS. Retrieved from

NEA. (n.d.). About NEA. Retrieved from

Open Doors for Multicultural Families. (2017, December 06). About Us. Retrieved from

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Communities of Practice

Communities of Practice

Image result for department of education hawaii
Department of Education (Public Schools)
They provide free education which provides resources and opportunities for children to grow regardless of who they are. 
Employment Opportunity:
Education assistant is something I would consider doing.
Provides assistance to a professional educator by performing a variety of educational related supportive tasks; receives training in instructional/counseling related tasks; and performs other related duties as assigned.

Image result for PACT hawaii

PACT Hawaii

Variety of programs including Free and Affordable Early Childhood Education to poverty level families, who cannot afford preschools. 
Employment Opportunity:
Family Advocate 
The Family Advocate works directly with families in the areas of social service, health, nutrition, dental care and family engagement, helping them identify and meet their own goals. This position is under the direct supervision of the EHS Child Care Partnership Program Manager.
Working with families is something I enjoy doing, and with my current education and experience I qualify.

PATCH Hawaii (People Attentive To CHildren)
Child care resource and referral (CCR&R) agencies, they provide child care resources to families and people wanting to be involved with early childhood education.  

CCR&R services have evolved from grassroot efforts to help parents find child care, to well-developed systems that support parents, providers, and local communities in finding, planning for, and providing quality child care. PATCH is the only Hawaii member of the Child Care Aware National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (NACCRA)

Employment Opportuni
PATCH Trainer is somewhat like a teacher, but for grown up people who seek to learn more about Early childhood education.
Conducts classes for PATCH; assures the provision of necessary materials and supplies for each class; familiarizes oneself with the training materials and equipment; distributes, gathers and completes paperwork related to each class; sets up and cleans up before and after each class; returns training materials and necessary paperwork to PATCH offices within a timely manner.

As I am completing my Masters in Education and have some experience in Early childhood education, I am able to apply for these position. 


EHR. (n.d.). Department of Education Hawaii. Retrieved from Hawaii. (n.d.). 

Parents And Children Together. Retrieved from (n.d.). 

Patch Hawaii. Retrieved from