Sunday, March 25, 2018

Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation

I feel that gender identity is a sensitive subject when it comes to early childhood education. It is sensitive in a sense that children may at most cases view everyone as friends and as a girl or a boy. When we start children at a very young age to start labeling other people, that is what they will grow up to do. Homosexuality would be something that a child discovers at a later age, but not during early childhood education. It is important to maintain the innocence of a child rather than informing them of what is not necessary at their age. This goes the same to books. Books should for early childhood education should avoid putting labels to others, especially homosexual, disability or any form of race. Children are better off learning about these subject at grade level school. 


  1. Desiree,
    I agree that learning about homosexuality or learning about the actual word "homosexuality" is not necessary during the preschool years. However, talking about the many different types of families is important. Children need to be exposed to the idea of and have an understanding that some families have two mommies or two daddies. I simply explain to my son that our family has a mommy and a daddy. But some families are different than us and that it is ok.

  2. Hi Desiree,
    I enjoyed reading your post and quote. However, I agree that children should be taught not to label other as well. I do believe that parents should be the first teachers such as gender identity and sexual orientation. I also agree that this subject is personal and sensitive for young children. As an early educator, these questions would be asked and we are responsible to close the gaps in order to educate our young children about society.
