Sunday, April 22, 2018

Start Seeing Diversity: Creative Arts

We are all one family, but different yet we are all the same. We are all related, we have our own talent and skills that makes us who we are. We all have our own diversity, coming from different nationality background.We are all different and unique individuals, but we are all the same, from the same island, related to each other and share the same values. 


  1. Desiree,
    Great picture collage! Are these pictures of your family or random images you found online? I also made a picture collage and include pictures and quotes I found online while researching anti-bias education. I love the quote in the middle. We are all different but at the same time we are all the same! I love it! Great job, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

  2. I love the pic collage, I feel like this collage has so much strength by depicting so much diversity. If we learn to display, respect and talk about all the strengths that all cultures provide we can develop an appreciation for all. As Harro explains once we know something we cannot un know it
